Directed by Zac Hoffman & Casey Dubois
Produced by The Grove
34m | 2021
Crux follows Harvey, a recovering addict who uses rock climbing to work through his ongoing struggle with mental health
Life can be beautiful. Life can be messy. Add in the struggles of addiction and life can often become overwhelming.
As trauma, depression, heartbreak and declining mental health were woven into Harvey Wright’s internal fabric, so was rock climbing. Climbing gave him purpose and helped him to connect with nature, with others and with himself. Passion and healing followed but his mental health was to be massively tested by the global pandemic, with self-isolation forcing Harvey away from the climbing lifestyle.
Crux tells the story of Harvey’s recovery as he learns to love himself amidst the mountains of his life.
Directors: Zac Hoffman, Casey Dubois
Producers: Zac Hoffman, Casey Dubois
Cinematographers: Casey Dubois, Zac Hoffman
Editor: Casey Dubois, Zac Hoffman
“They say you can tell a climbing film is good when it makes your palms sweat. Well, Crux made out palms sweat, even in scenes when Harvey Wright, the lead character, wasn’t climbing. The jury felt that both the filmmakers and their subject went out on a psychological limb to tell this difficult story, and their absolute trust in each other resulted in this fine film.”
Pat Morrow, VIMFF 2021 Jury Member
“It is a raw and realistic emotional roller coaster ride with themes that are both universal and uniquely Squamish.”
Jennifer Thuncher, The Squamish Chief